Good day Bloggers we are going to discuss the installation of Pavers Stone. The author with the help of you great Bloggers, will make this task easy .
The Tri Hex Paver
Step 1
Measure the area which you intend to cover.
L X W = Area
Area X 4.4 = Number of Grass Pavers required
Step 2
Remove approximately 6" of top soil from area you intend on installing Pavers.
- The installer should always be mindful of the finished height of the Pavers, taking into consideration the opening and closing of Doors and Gates.
- The depth of the excavation is determined by the finished height of the Pavers.
- The excavation should be completed and the area graded as to allow the surface water to run off in a direction away from the home or area of interest.
Step 3
The newly excavated area should be compacted with a plate compactor as to prevent undulation
Step 4
Pour 2" of sharp sand into the area and spreed evenly.
Step 5
Compact the sharp sand with plate compactor. Remember to maintain the grade of 1/2" to every 1' for water run off.
Start laying the Pavers at one corner until the area is filled.
Step 7
Place red / white or fine sand on top surface of Pavers and run the compactor over the Pavers. Ensure the sand falls into edges of the Pavers and locking Pavers in the process.
Step 8
Remove all excess sand with the broom. This concludes the installation of the Tri Hex Pavers.
I hope this DIY Blog was helpful and you are now able to take on your own project. Please write and let me know how it worked out.
This post helps alot. I intend to use this in my upcoming home project.