Monday, 11 July 2016


Steel windows are one of the most common windows installed in Trinidad mainly because of its safety records. But not all steel windows would provide the security and elegence which the home owner demands.

The basic tools required for carrying out the installation of a standard size Metpro Steel window are listed in table below.
·         The most common method of installing Steel Windows is within wrought openings.
Measuring tape.
Required for verifying window and opening sizes
Spirit Level.
Required for positioning window and levelling the window on all the axes X,Y & Z
Trowel, chipping & Claw Hammer etc.
Masonry tools required for brick laying, plastering and fixing window into opening
1”X 3”wooden lath, Concrete nails & Tie wire.
Used along with tie wire for bracing and battening window to wall while mortar or concrete cure.
Broom & rages etc.
Required for the removal of excess mortar, concrete, rubble and paint from window and surrounding area of opening.
Float or Rendering device.
Used in the rendering (plastering) wall after window has been fixed into opening. 
1”Paint brush
Used in the paining of window.
Putty Knife
Used in glazing window (installation of glass into window frame)

1.      Verify window schedule ( Ensuring all windows have their destination )
2.      Measure rough opening.
3.      Dimensions of all windows and rough openings with required tolerance.

·         This process is base installation of one window.
·         Metpro Classic Standard Steel Window is manufactured modular in design, starting from 11 ½” (292.1 mm) to 5’(1524 mm) in height by 24 ¾” (628.65 ) in length.
·         Metpro Classic Steel Window can be coupled both horizontally and vertically, in order to achieve any architectural design.
·         Metpro Classic Steel Window also has a range of Standard arches and fixed that can be coupled to enhance the appearance of the project.

1.      This task should be undertaken by a certified Mason and a helper.
2.      Ensure the masonry opening is a minimum of 2” larger than the window size.

3.      Window should be painted before installation with two coats of oil paint.
4.      After paint dries, position the window within the opening using the helper’s assistance.

5.      Position window within opening using tie wire and 1”X 3” wooden lath or a suitable battening material.
6.      Secure window in place levelling on all three axes X, Y & Z.             
7.      The Mason or helper using mixture ratio one (1) part Cement to two (2) or three (3) Sharp Sand, adds water resulting in a damp mixture.       
8.      Fill in the spaces between the window crabs (anchoring device) and the rough opening with prepared mortar mix.
9.      Ensure the window is levelled and plump on three axes, A, B & C, before mortar hardens, then commence the final filling in the space around window with mortar mix.
10.  Clean off all extra mortar from the window and the surrounding areas.
11.  Plastering or rendering should commence after the mortar hardens.
12.  The Mason or helper using mixture ratio one (1) part Cement to two (2) or three (3) plastering Sand, adds water resulting in a damp mixture.
13.  Remove and disposal of all waste from the surroundings.
14.  Once the newly plastered wall surrounding the window dries and hardens, the glazing can commence.

15.  Recommended glass thickness should be 5/32”or 4 mm. METPRO supplies glass cut to fit all of their windows.
16.  The installation of the glass should be attempted by a trained window glazer ensuring a neat and seamless glazing.
17.  Steel Putty is the most common material used for this application along with silicon.
a.       Clean window with damp cloth removing all excess dust and mortar.
b.      Apply silicon to slot where glass has to be inserted.
c.       Position glass into frame. Use window and door Silicon to hold the glass in place until putty is inserted.
d.      Place a batch of putty onto the glass near the frame.
e.        Using a putty knife smooth putty securing and fixing glass in frame.
f.       Clean glass with damp cloth and fingers removing all excess putty. 
g.      Final Painting of the window and putty should be done after three days allowing the putty to dry. 

18.  The window is then inspected by a main contractor to ensure customer satisfaction.
19.  If steel windows are properly installed and maintained, it is possible for them to last the life of the building. After the window is installed, verify that the window operates correctly. Handles stay and latches should be checked for proper operation and should move freely.
20.  Once the window operates satisfactorily, clean the window using a mild non-alkaline soap and warm water, applied with a sponge or soft cloth. Rinse with clean water.



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Maracas Valley, St George, Trinidad & Tobago