Monday, 11 July 2016


Today's blog we will discuss the installation of a standby Generator. 

While some people may argue for or against Generators, Trinindad and Tobago has a reliable supply of electricity, and there may not be a need to invest in standby power. But for those who see the need for a generator, the author has some tips, which will clear up all misconceptions on the process.

In Trinidad and Tobago there are laws governing  the  installation of generators.  The installation must be carried out by a certified electrician. Notwithstanding, you can observe and give guidance regarding the installation. or what is required in the case of a power outage and the functionality of the unit.

Here are some important facts you should know when installing a Standby Generator.
  •  A generator is designed to supply standby power only.
  •  A Generator is designed to supply a particular load    requirement.
  • The regulatory body  by law states, that any power generating system connected to the main grid via a structure or otherwise must be governed by an automatic transfer switch device as to prevent feedback onto T & TEC power lines.
  • Generators have three options in fuel requirements - gasoline, desoline and compress gas (Propane). 
  • Maintain the safety distance from fuel to generator and from house. (For more infomation on this, consult regulatory authority, Gas company) 
  • Maintain the safety required distance and other requirements for transfer switch. .(Consult regulatory authority, T & TEC).
  • Some Generators have a standard exercise date and time, which should be scheduled at least once a week at a time when the home owner can hear and document any variation.
   These are just some of the basic guidelines you should follow in installing your standby generator. Remember to consult a professional and to write and tell us your experience.


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Maracas Valley, St George, Trinidad & Tobago